Exhibitor Advance Shipping
Shipments accepted at the warehouse from February 5 - March 8
Shipping address to the warehouse:
Annual AEA Convention & Trade Show
Exhibitor Name and Booth Number
c/o SS&G Management
Deliver to: GES Warehouse
1415 N Cockrell Hill Road, Ste 300 Dock 29
Dallas, TX 75211
Shipping directly to the show:
Shipments should not arrive before March 18 or there will be a charge from the hotel.
Shipping address to the hotel:
AEA International Convention & Trade Show
c/o SS&G Management
Gaylord Texan
(Exhibitor & Booth Number)
1501 Gaylord Trail at Longhorn Halls A-D
Grapevine, TX 76051
Shipping questions?
April Moody, SS&G Management