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Booth 336

300 Pine Needle Lane
Bigfork, MT  59911

uAvionix develops the world’s smallest, lightest and most-affordable ADS-B transceivers, transponders and GPS receivers. Founded in 2015 and based in Bigfork, Montana, uAvionix has gathered a cross-disciplinary team of experts in embedded RF engineering, sUAS operations, avionics, hardware, software and cloud services.

Booth 219

3260 E. Universal Way
Tucson, AZ  85756

Universal Avionics, an Elbit Systems Company, is a leading manufacturer of innovative commercial avionics systems offered as retrofit and forward-fit options for the largest diversification of aircraft types. The company is shaping the future of aviation with solutions to enhance safety and efficiency. At a glance, UA's product line includes an SBAS-FMS family, EFVS and wearable HUD technology, integrated display systems, and solutions for Data Comm.


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