An effective board does much of its work in committees. The fundamental research and collection of ideas are gathered and alternatives are considered through AEA committees.
An integral part of the Aircraft Electronics Association governing body, the AEA board of directors, is its committees. An effective board does much of its work in committees. The fundamental research and collection of ideas are gathered and alternatives are considered through AEA committees.
This standing committee shall assess the board’s profile and skill set; shall develop and maintain a pool of candidates with desired skills that could be nominated to serve on the board; and, as necessary, shall recommend a slate of candidates to the board whenever vacancies or impending vacancies require an election to select directors.
Mike Berryhill, Cirrus Aircraft
Kris Garberg, Appareo
Bill Hanf, Green Mountain Avionics
Garry Joyce, IAE Ltd.
Mike Adamson, AEA Staff Liaison
This standing committee shall assess the board’s profile and skill set; shall develop and maintain a pool of candidates with desired skills that could be nominated to serve on the board; and, as necessary, shall recommend a slate of candidates to the board whenever vacancies or impending vacancies require an election to select directors.
Kevin Barton, Bartronix Aerospace Svcs
Josef Breu, Avionik Straubing
Gordon Cox, Avionics 2000
Michel Däppen, Avionitec
Monica Gualandri, Sarasota Avionics
Kevin Harriman, Pro Star Aviation
Tim Hernandez, Pacific Southwest Instruments
Garry Joyce, IAE Ltd.
Russ Kromberg, Duncan Aviation
Al Rice, Moog Inc.
Steve Wysong, Wysong Enterprises
Ric Peri, AEA Staff Liaison
This standing committee shall assist the treasurer and president by monitoring the financial status of the organization, and overseeing periodic financial audits. The Committee shall report their findings and recommendations to the board for disposition.
Kris Garberg, Appareo
Mark Cote, Duncan Aviation
Tom Hass, Park Rapids Avionics, Inc.
Mike Adamson, AEA Staff Liaison
Debra McFarland, AEA Staff Liaison
This ad-hoc committee will execute strategies to help AEA contribute substantially to the growth in the availability of and industry support for a workforce that is qualified and ready to meet the future needs of the aircraft electronics industry.
Mark Cote, Duncan Aviation
Danny Santiago, Banyan Air Service
Richard Authement, Auto’s Aviation
Chris Bergman, Columbia Air Services, Inc.
Mike Berryhill, Cirrus Aircraft
Patrick Coleman, Garmin
Tom Hass, Park Rapids Avionics, Inc.
Eric McFalda, Moog Inc.
Patrick McManus, NextOp
Ashley Ring, Collins Aerospace
Mike Adamson, AEA Staff Liaison
Nick Brown, AEA Staff Liaison
This ad-hoc committee was established to measure, evaluate and identify ways to continue to grow and enhance the quality of communications and relationships between AEA regular members and associate members.
Chuck Gallagher, Cincinnati Avionics
Tom Simon, Collins Aerospace
Quint De Groot, Spencer Avionics
Thom Duncan, Thom Duncan Avionics LLC
Jeff Geraci, ARTEX
Jamie Luster
Steve Nunn, Maxcraft Avionics Ltd.
Paul Vermast, CE Avionics
Mike Adamson, AEA Staff Liaison
If you are interested in serving on an AEA Committee, you must submit a
Committee Application Form for consideration.