The Inflight Connectivity (IFC) Foundations course is designed for certificated repairmen, new avionics technicians, aviation maintenance technicians and recent graduates interested in improving or acquiring the skills necessary to support inflight connectivity system installations and maintenance. This eight-hour training enables aircraft technicians and operators to gain understanding on the basic airborne networks, IFC systems, and the services they provide.
Presented by: : Nathan Bailey/Javier Cervantes, senior technical systems instructors, Gogo Business Aviation
Course Objective:
Using Gogo systems as applied examples, provide the necessary background knowledge for installing, configuring, optimizing, operating, and troubleshooting IFC systems. Students will gain knowledge on the planning, installation, and administrative duties associated with maintaining and operating IFC cabin and cockpit systems.
Course Topics:
- Inflight Connectivity Overview
- Connectivity Demand
- How Aircraft Get Online
- IFC Challenges
- Aircraft IFC Network Systems and Services
- Voice Systems
- Datalink Services
- Internet Services
- IFC Hardware
- Satellite Connectivity
- Networks
- Providers
- Satellite Frequencies
- Available Services
- Network Operations
- Air to Ground Connectivity
- Network
- Providers
- Frequencies
- Service Altitudes
- Basic Wiring for IFC Systems
- Power Wiring
- Control Wiring
- Discrete and Annunciation Wiring
- Network Wiring
- RF Path Wiring
- Cabin Network: TCP-IP
- Topologies
- IPV4
- IPV6
- Static and Dynamic Addressing
- Tooling
- DNS Routing
- Virtual Local Area Network
- Wireless Networking Basics
- Wireless Radios; 802.11 B, G, N, AC
- WAP Antennas
- Wireless Radio Channels
- Wireless Security
- System Function for each System of an IFC Network
- Datalink
- Voice
- Internet
- Managing Passenger Expectations
- Managing the Onboard System
- Internet Streaming vs. Locally Stored Streaming
- Managing Costs